Thursday, May 17, 2007


My wife goes under the knife this afternoon. She is having a discectomy, which basically means they are cutting away part of one of the discs in her spine to relieve pressure on her spinal cord. Apparently she'll be about 3mm shorter after the operation.

The Royal Preston Hospital isn't the most attractive of places. The ward is on the lower ground floor right at the back of the hospital. One of the first things I saw was an ant crawling across the bed, and you can barely see out of the windows they are so dirty. And it's another mixed ward.

On the plus side, the nurses are lovely and the doctors communicative. We have had the procedure explained in full, along with what the expected benefits will be, and the possible complications. In summary, the risk of doing nothing far outweighs the risk of operating. If all goes well, tomorrow, for the first time in nearly 4 weeks, she should be walking about.

We're supposed to be going on holiday at the end of June - we've rented a holiday cottage in South Wales, near Fishguard. The doctor wouldn't commit himself on the likelihood of us being able to go. My in-laws have kindly volunteered to go instead if she''s not fit!